
Geodesys approached us for a new, modern website showcasing the amazing new brand creative that was more user-friendly for customers. The key objectives were for Geodesys’ resources to be easy to find and download for users; for key information regarding their products to be straightforward to find and digest; and for the site to generate new leads and business.

Geodesys, who are located in Huntingdon, are part of the Anglian Water Group. They provide residential and commercial searches on property as well as many services to aid in ensuring you are fully compliant and protected during your conveyancing journey.

Time to scope

To get the ball rolling we started with a scoping workshop to understand the key metrics and functionality requirements for the website. This workshop distinguished the key audiences: how they would use the site, the journey through the content they would take, and what they would want to get out of the site as a goal. Once we have this key information we can start to think about pages, templates and how the pages are pieced together through design. 

The importance of design

One key thing that we needed to include within the design was the strong creative element of the Geodesys brand: bringing the fun and colourfulness of the brand across while making sure that it still had the right information and that the structure of the site was correct for its users to reach their goals. 

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Achieving goals

To ensure that Geodesys’ goals were met for the website, we designed and implemented several things: a resources centre meaning all PDFs and documents could be found in one place and were easy to download; product breakdown pages which allowed all information for a particular field or product to be in one place accessible from the main navigation; and easy links to external sites for the Geodesys ordering system and training site for their customers. 

A great success

After encapsulating everything from the workshop, generating exciting designs, and working with the Geodesys team throughout the project, we created a vibrant, effective, information-filled website that has had excellent feedback from customers and members of the internal team. It was a pleasure to work with Geodesys on this project.

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