Meet Cambridge

Conference Cambridge was a key driver of Cambridge event bookings, converting thousands of enquiries worth many millions into events across a varied portfolio of member venues. With plans for significant growth, driven in part through a partnership with Visit Cambridge and Beyond, and with added services being considered, the need to review and consolidate brand positioning was identified.

Building the brand

We guided the client through the Discover, Define and Deliver process, starting with an exhaustive research exercise, looking at trends and themes, competitors and member and customer insight and journeys. Desk research was combined with interactive workshops involving key stakeholders across the business. This insight informed a clear and relevant proposition for the brand and vision for the future – presented via our bespoke brand map approach.

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More than just a new name

The brand map gave us the confidence to recommend a radical roll out to transform the future for Conference Cambridge. The client agreed that the newly identified brand personality, values and proposition required a change of identity both visually and in name. Following a thorough naming process, the brand evolved into Meet Cambridge. This signalled a step-change from a relatively corporate and cold brand to one that is warmer, more feminine and reflects their approachability – instilling a sense of confidence, inspiration and excitement.

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Re-energised business

Meet Cambridge’s re-energised identity now accurately reflects the brand, and provides scope for future growth. A fresh and engaging website has transformed the way Meet Cambridge’s customers engage and interact with them, providing tangible results across the board. Mobas’ relationship with Meet Cambridge continues to flourish with support ranging from digital strategy to immersive 360˚ video content.

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