
Mobas was tasked with assessing Tees' existing website to bring it in line with their new brand identity. It became clear that the content and user experience needed work: the mobile experience was poor; the site was confusing to navigate, and too many clicks were needed to reach key content. A complete scoping process was carried out to build a new site.

Increased user engagement

Website KPIs significantly exceeded

Over 300% increase in web traffic

“The Mobas work has had a profound effect. It was undertaken thoroughly and expertly – so much so that it caused a real emotional reaction among people who have long service with Tees who have said: ‘That is us’”. Ashton Hunt, Managing Director, Tees Law

Workshops to define focus

Mobas hosted a series of workshops with key project stakeholders. Our first session focused on the website's purpose and objectives. We then looked at audiences and user stories to support our content and site architecture planning.

In line with the client's brand strategy, it was agreed that the website should focus on people and expertise. The website would aim to raise the profile of people within the organisation as though leaders and industry experts, while bringing through their personalities and a personal approach.

Tees website workshop

Delivering the new site

With the strategy and work fully scoped, Mobas' Project Management team drafted a detailed project plan. The plan included all project phases dependencies, roles and responsiibilities. 

The Mobas Digital team spent three months carefully crafting the website ensuring the design was pixel-perfect, the content was fully optimised and the website was ready for launch.

In preperation for go-live, Google Data Studio was setup to monitor KPIs for the site, including traffic, channel performance and enquiry forms. google Data Studio enabled us to create a live bespoke reporting interface that homed in on the key KPIs set out during the objective sttings workshop.

Tees website mockup
Tees Typography

Profound results

Over the first 12 months traffic and leads from the website grew significantly. Our digital marketing team devised a tactical plan of activity to improve KPIs which included SEO, online campaigns and PR, all supported by monthly face-to-face performance review and planning meetings.

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From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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