
Operating in an increasingly competitive household cleaning market, where price was a key driver in decision-making, Robinson Young, the UK distributor of ACE, recognised the need to build brand awareness and build a programme of activity to convert trial customers into brand advocates. 

Double digit year-on-year growth

53m people reached through PR placements

105% increase in social followers

Championing a point of difference

The UK laundry market has undergone a substantial change which resulted in two distinct challenges for Europe’s leading stain removal brand.  The growth in own brand label cleaning products from supermarkets, coupled with an explosion of discount retailers on the high street, meant that Robinson Young needed a clear integrated marketing plan to communicate ACE’s point of difference to discerning consumers. The initial brief was to breathe new life and energy into ACE’s social media and PR activity, however this has been expanded significantly over the past four years to include an all-encompassing, strategically-led, integrated campaign. 


Strategic mindset delivered results

Our strategic approach allowed us to pinpoint the most effective way to utilise the marketing budget to actively target repeat purchasers, namely new parents and those likely to require stain removal products regularly. This audience is highly attractive to FMCG brands, making them an expensive one to target. We therefore needed to be smarter to ensure we were able to break through and ensure customers clearly knew why ACE was different and why they should purchase it over own labels or competitor brands. 


Improved brand awareness & increase in sales

By capitalising on the growth of influencers such as Mrs Hinch and the Queen of Clean, coupled with a dynamic new visual identity, we delivered a radically fresh approach for ACE which not only improved brand awareness but also saw a significant increase in sales.  ACE has historically struggled to mirror it’s European success in the UK, but combining strategy, PR, social media, digital marketing, design and creative, Mobas has helped to elevate the brand to a standing it should be proud of in the UK market. 


A sparkling finish

After an initial 12-month term, Mobas has subsequently been retained for a further three years and continues to be Robinson Young’s partner for ACE. With a significant increase in reach and impressions, resulting in greater levels of brand awareness and product positioning, ACE has seen double-digit growth in sales year-on-year in 2019. As the relationship goes from strength to strength, Mobas has continued to devise supplementary campaigns to promote new ACE products including a new powder and household cleaning products. 

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From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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