Workplace strategy is an essential element of any business transformation: as we exist to help businesses understand their present and future needs, it’s vital that we deliver spaces in which people excel and business thrives. And workplace strategy lets us do just that.

Our workplace solutions are evidence-based and are developed in tandem with the extensive work we carry out on an organisation’s brand strategy. This joined-up approach allows us to develop and create an exciting new space which perfectly represents the direction the brand is going in – and embraces close analysis of your activities, your people, your culture and your goals. It illustrates how brands truly come to life in the environments in which they need to exist.

Our six-step workplace strategy process is a proven recipe for success. The steps are:

A series of meetings and workshops to get a clear understanding of the different workspace functions and flow.

We work with user groups to create room schedules – to include a full equipment list with sizes. Specific requirements for HVAC, gas, water and electricity will also be included, along with any specialist surfaces required.

We prepare initial block plans to test whether the space and any required facilities will fit. Once the building has been analysed, space plans are produced and the creative process begins, together with initial estimated costs and a schedule of works.

Once initial layouts have been agreed, the design is developed and incorporates any specialist workstations and equipment, furniture, finishes, services and facilities.

Once a scope of works and costs has been agreed, a detailed design pack is produced for each space in the building. A number of meetings and workshops take place to finalise finishes and any detailed works.

Works are co-ordinated and delivered in a series of phases to the agreed programme, providing the final step in a turn-key service. We pride ourselves on our aftercare and the assigned Project Director will remain on hand for any further requirements or aftercare services.

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